Parking Information for Toledo University | OH

Please remember that parking permits are required at all times including nights and weekends, in between semesters and academic breaks.

Please remember that parking permits are required at all times including nights and weekends, in between semesters and academic breaks.



Use the menu below to browse frequently asked parking questions for ParkUToledo.


In October of 2021, The University of Toledo monetized its parking assets through a long-term concession transaction, in order to:

  • Generate an upfront capital payment that can be used to help UToledo achieve its growth targets and advance its strategic priorities.
  • Improve the physical condition of the facilities that make up the parking system.
  • Provide a better customer experience by outsourcing the operation to an experienced, professional third-party parking operator.
  • Improve the operation and management of the system using technology and parking industry best practices.
  • Focus on its core mission of educating its students.

The concession transaction provided the University with an upfront payment of $52 million with an additional $10 million to be spent over the first three years of the concession on upgrading the condition of the parking assets.

The University has effectively added $52 million to its endowment funds, transferred capital maintenance & life cycle costs for 35 years and outsourced operating risk, while retaining ownership and ownership rights (including the right to set rates and change policies) and a continuing revenue stream from surplus parking cash flows. The anticipated surplus cash flow over the life of the concession is estimated to be $140 million.

The concession agreement enshrines the University’s rights of ownership and ParkUToledo’s obligations to operate and maintain the parking system and to hand it back to the University at the end of its term in good condition.

For more information, click here.

To read a copy of the agreement, click here.

ParkUToledo is a nonprofit organization. All funds collected (parking permits/citations) are used to improve the parking areas on both UToledo campuses and pay back bond holders. Any surplus cash flow from the parking revenues, after operating expenses and debt service, goes to the University.

ParkUToledo utilizes a license plate recognition software (LPR). Cameras on ParkUToledo enforcement vehicles scan each license plate to ensure each vehicle is parked within ParkUToledo’s rules and regulations.

No, vehicles that are illegally parked will be cited.

Permits are enforced Monday through Friday from 7am-10pm and Saturday & Sunday from 9am-5pm.
On weekdays from 5PM-7AM and on Saturdays & Sundays, active permits may park in areas designated for other permits. Exceptions include: reserved, disabled, metered, patient and no overnight parking spaces/areas.

Permits are enforced in between semesters and during some breaks. For a list of non-enforcement days, click here.

The role of parking enforcement is not to generate citation revenue for its own sake but to improve compliance. For additional information, please read this article.

The parking garages were deemed unsafe and needed to be torn down. The project was advanced one year following the Surfside condominium collapse in Florida (engineering reports on the parking garages matched those of the building in Florida). Moving up the demolition allowed the surface parking areas to open earlier than originally planned.


Daily permits purchased by a visitor allows them to park in “C” areas within a white-lined space. This permit cannot be used to park in metered or reserved spaces; these spaces require a separate payment.

For a complete list of where to park, please visit “Where Should I Park?

All guests parked on a University campus will be assessed a $5.95 parking fee per day. The department may elect to cover the cost of the guest permit or advise the guest to purchase a permit through the Parking Portal. If the department elects to cover the cost:
  • The department guests will receive an A permit
If the department advises the guest to purchase a permit:
  • The guest will receive a C permit

Four vehicles may be on the same permit. However, if two or more vehicles are scanned on campus during the same time period (within three hours of each other), a shared permit citation will be issued to BOTH vehicles.

Yes, annual departmental permits are available for purchase. Please have your departmental portal representative submit the Department Annual Permit Request Form.

You must still obtain a valid ParkUToledo parking permit to park on campus. Your personal placard registration from the BMV can then be submitted to ParkUToledo via Once the registration is verified that the valid placard is issued to you, you will be informed via email that additional permissions have been added to your parking permit. Additional documents may be requested for validation of the registration.

With a valid ParkUToledo parking permit and verified disability placard, you will be able to utilize any disability space regardless of the permit designation of that area. Once the registration has been submitted to ParkUToledo and you have received a confirmation email that the permissions have been added to your account, you will be able to utilize any “A” permit space if there are no disability spaces available in that area. Reserved, metered and patient spaces/areas are still not available unless the requirements of these spaces/areas are met.


All vehicles on campus are required to have a permit during enforcement hours (M-F, 7AM-10PM & Sat-Sun, 9AM-5PM) or opt to pay metered or ParkMobile zoned parking.

You can register your vehicle with the following:

  • Register your vehicle online via the Parking Portal. Log in with your UTAD and password.
  • You will need to have your license plate number and vehicle information available when you register.
  • Based on a student’s earned credit hours and/or housing, or your employment classification, you will be issued the appropriate permit type when you register online. You will then be notified via email where your permit type is valid to park.
  • When you log in, follow the prompts to obtain your parking permit. If you need assistance, please refer to the step-by-step parking instruction guide available here.

Those with an outstanding balance on their account will NOT be able to purchase a new parking permit. Permits are still available via the ParkMobile App or by utilizing metered spaces.


  • Spring registration begins in late December.
  • Summer registration begins in early May.
  • Fall registration begins in mid-August.

Exact dates vary year to year. For updates be sure to follow @ParkUToledo on social media or the Parking News section of


  • Current permit holders with annual payroll deduction will see a bi-weekly deduction and will not need to re-register for their parking permit. Any individual who paid with a credit card in full may repurchase their permit once their current permit expires.
  • Current permit holders with semester payroll deduction will see a bi-weekly deduction and will need to re-register for their parking permit once their current permit expires.


  • Short term permits (monthly or daily) can be purchased anytime.

Those with an outstanding balance on their account will NOT be able to purchase a new parking permit. Permits are still available via the ParkMobile App or by utilizing metered spaces.


Student permit types are assigned based on two components: earned credit hours and residential status.

Underclassmen (Freshman) are defined as students with fewer than 30 earned credit hours.

  • Residential Freshmen Permit = “D”
  • Commuter Freshmen Permit = “K” 

Upperclassmen are defined as students with 30 or more earned credit hours.

  • Residential Permit = “D”
  • Commuter Permit = “C”

Toledo Early College  students who are enrolled in the Toledo Early College High School Program are eligible for a “T” Permit (Toledo Early College Permit).

For a complete list of where to park and parking maps, please visit Find Parking.

The University of Toledo provides ParkUToledo with each student’s status. If you log into your parking portal and you believe your status is incorrect, please contact your department/advisor.

Permit types available are based on your employee Banner classifications.

The University of Toledo provides ParkUToledo with each staff member’s status. If you log into your parking portal and you believe your status is incorrect, please contact HR and/or your department.

After logging in to your parking account via the Parking Portal the appropriate fee will automatically be displayed for your specific profile. Current parking permit rates are: Fall 2024
  • A — $313 annually;
  • G — $471 annually;
  • E — $919 annually;
  • Students (“C”, “D” & “K”) – $142 per semester.
Faculty and staff may choose to pay for their permit using payroll deduction. Employee permits purchased through payroll deduction will use pre-taxed dollars, reducing the net amount you pay for parking, based upon an individual’s tax bracket.

There is no physical parking permit. ParkUToledo’s virtual parking permits are connected to your license plate. When you purchase your permit online, make sure to correctly enter your license plate information. Your vehicle must be assigned to an activate permit. A receipt will be emailed once the permit is purchased, confirming you obtained a valid parking permit.

As an affiliate of UToledo, you are eligible to purchase an “A” affiliate parking permit via credit card.

The duration of your permit may be annual or for a semester and is available depending on your classification. Your classification can be found in your parking portal.

The exact expiration date can be found in your parking portal under “permits.”

  • Semester Permits: Permits expire every semester.
  • Fall/Spring Permits: Permits expire at the end of the spring semester.
  • Summer Semester Permits: Permits expire at the end of the summer semester.
  • Employee Annual (payroll deduction): If purchased through payroll deduction, your permit is on automatic renewal as long as you have a paycheck to deduct from or until you cancel your permit.
  • Employee Annual (Credit Card): Annual permits purchased through credit card end in August and will need to be repurchased.
  • Employee Semester: Semester-based permits purchased via credit card or payroll deduction expire at the end of each semester and will need to be purchased each semester.
  • Affiliates: Annual permits end in August. Semester-based permits expired at the end of the semester.

Employees with collective bargaining agreement rates please refer to your contract. Payroll deduction timing for collective bargaining employees purchasing the “U” permit type will be consistent with benefit deductions as prescribed in their contract.

  • For example, payroll deduction for the general “A” type of permit at $298 will be $11.46 over 26 paychecks with pre-tax payroll deduction.
  • Payroll deduction for nine and 12-month faculty will be consistent with benefit deductions as prescribed in their contract.
  • Payroll deduction timing for collective bargaining employees purchasing the U permit type will be consistent with benefit deductions as prescribed in their contract.
Daily parking rates, permit parking rates and parking citations do not include credit card processing fees. Processing fees will be added at checkout.


A visitor “C” parking permit is $5.95/day.

Visitor permits can be purchased through the online Parking Portal or through the ParkMobile App.

All visitors must have a parking permit, use a parking meter or the ParkMobile App when parking on campus. Visitors who purchase a day pass for $5.95 may park in any white-lined “C” parking lot. Parking meters are located on Main Campus in areas 11, 12, 13, and 18. Payment through ParkMobile allows parking in each selected zone.

When visitors are stopping by campus to simply pick up a student or for another quick purpose for fewer than 15 minutes, there are several areas on campus where a vehicle can park temporarily. Those locations include:

  • The pull off lane along West Rocket Drive by Honors Academic Village.
  • Turnarounds on both ends of Residence Drive between Presidents Hall and Ottawa House East and West.
  • Four spaces located just South of the metered spaces in the Parks Tower loop.
  • Turnaround near the main entrance to International House.

Permits are not required during non-enforcement dates. Those dates are listed here under Global Holidays.

If the purpose of your visit is to pick up or drop off your student, please utilize the 15-minute loading zones:

  • The pull off lane along West Rocket Drive by Honors Academic Village.
  • Turnarounds on both ends of Residence Drive between Presidents Hall and Ottawa House East and West.
  • Four spaces located just South of the metered spaces in the Parks Tower loop.
  • Turnaround near the main entrance to International House.

If you’re attending an event or plan to be on campus for an extended period, the event organizer may have pre-arranged parking for attendees. If not, you would be responsible for purchasing a parking permit (daily, hourly, metered or by utilizing the ParkMobile App).

The vehicle may receive a parking citation.

If the visit is longer than 15 minutes, the options noted here will need to be used and the vehicle moved to the appropriate area for the parking permit/time purchased.

No, the time limit is still only 15 minutes whether the car is occupied or not.

Yes, all vehicles must be registered to park on campus.

Visitors may utilize the 15-minute drop off zones if applicable – otherwise, all visitors must purchase parking.

Permits are not required during non-enforcement dates. Those dates are listed here under Global Holidays.

Daily and Monthly Permits give “C” permissions. Please see our parking map for “C” permit locations.

ParkUToledo utilizes a Mobile License Plate Recognition system. All permits are connected to license plates.

A Department or Group may elect to cover the cost of the guest permit or advise the guest to purchase a permit through the Parking Portal. If the Department or Group elects to cover the cost:
  • The guests will receive an A permit.
If the Department or Group advises the guest to purchase a permit:
  • The guest will receive a C permit.
Please contact the event organizer or department if you believe you should receive a permit before parking on campus.


Pay stations are located in Areas 11,12 and 13. Stand-alone meters are located in Areas 18.

Zone numbers can be found on the ParkMobile App and on light pole signs in each parking area.

Can I reserve a space or pre-pay for parking?

  • No. All transactions are real-time. You should be parked in the space before you begin your parking transaction.

ParkMobile makes it easy to find and pay for parking on campus without running back to feed the meter. Simply download the ParkMobile App, park, and select the zone where the vehicle is parked. Payment is made via credit card. Hourly rates vary by zone and will automatically load once the zone is selected.

ParkMobile mobile payment service, including help support.

Pay for parking via a smartphone app, toll free number or the web.

No need to stop at a pay station.

No credit card necessary after you complete your account set up.

No coins/cash needed.

ParkMobile can send reminders by text message so you can extend your parking time from your cell phone.

Use your account wherever ParkMobile is offered.

You can visit the ParkMobile website, download the mobile app or call the toll-free number on the green ParkMobile sign (877-727-5009) to register for a ParkMobile account; you will need your license plate number and a method of payment.

When you park in a space, use the ParkMobile app to access your account, or call the toll-free number on the sign (877-727-5009).

Key in your zone number located on the sign. Note: this number is different for every parking lot. You can add your frequently used zone as “Favorite Zones” in your ParkMobile account.

You can select an option to have ParkMobile send a text message 15 minutes prior to the expiration of your parking transaction.

The cost and transaction fee depends on the duration and location you plan to park. Set the duration within the app to view the cost.

No, your parking transaction is for a specific ParkMobile zone. If you move to another zone before your parking stay expires you will have to pay again.

You must identify your ParkMobile zone number from the green ParkMobile signage located in your parking area or on the ParkMobile App to ensure you purchase parking for the correct parking area. Zone numbers are a critical part of your transaction and must be recorded correctly in order for your license plate to be identified by the parking enforcement officers.

This feature will give you step by step directions back to your vehicle. You have the choice of selecting your preferred navigation system: Apple Maps, Google Maps or Waze. Click here to learn more.

You can go online to your ParkMobile personal page anytime to make changes to your account, review parking charges, print parking transactions and receipts or export data to another format.

ParkMobile does not issue refunds for parking transactions. ParkUToledo cannot issue refunds for ParkMobile transactions.

Yes, your credit card number is encrypted when you sign up and is never re-entered or displayed.

For more information on how to use the ParkMobile App, click here.


Parking permits are enforced Monday through Friday from 7am-10pm and from 9am-5pm on Saturdays and Sundays.

On weekdays after 5pm to 7am the following morning, active permits may move around to additional parking areas, as well as Friday after 5pm until 7am on Monday. Exceptions include: Reserved, Disabled, Metered, Patient and No Overnight parking areas/spaces.

Register your vehicle for a parking permit. Parking permits are required for all vehicles to park on campus (unless utilizing the designated 15-minute loading and unloading zones).

  • The pull off lane along West Rocket Drive by Honors Academic Village.
  • Turnarounds on both ends of Residence Drive between Presidents Hall and Ottawa House East and West.
  • Four spaces located just South of the metered spaces in the Parks Tower loop.
  • Turnaround near the main entrance to International House.
  • If you’re attending an event or plan to be on campus for an extended period, the event organizer may have pre-arranged parking for attendees. If not, you would be responsible for purchasing a parking permit (daily, hourly, metered or by utilizing the ParkMobile App).

You may purchase a permit by visiting the parking portal, or by utilizing the ParkMobile App or metered spaces.

Make sure your license plate is entered correctly.

Park in lots identified by the permit type on your permit confirmation.

ParkUToledo parking permits are not valid to park in metered spaces. Metered spaces require a separate payment and are enforced 24/7.

Parking spaces identified as “Reserved” in any way shape or form, are not open to general parking at any time.

Each vehicle’s license plate must face the drive aisle. If your vehicle does not have a front plate, you may not back in or pull through a parking space.

Abide by ParkUToledo’s Rules & Regulations .

Your license plate is your virtual permit. Plates are scanned to verify that the vehicle has a valid permit and is parked where permitted. If the plate can’t be scanned, compliance can’t be enforced.

If your vehicle does not have a front license plate, please do not pull through a space, back into a parking space, or otherwise park in a manner that obstructs the view of your license plate.

Citation notifications will be sent to your UToledo email account if you are an active student or employee. All violations are e-tickets and will not be placed on your vehicle.

If the vehicle is not registered properly for a UToledo parking permit or you are not an active student or employee, your ticket will be sent in the mail to the registered owner of the vehicle.

Issuance Date = the date that the citation notification is sent. The 10-day appeal period and the 10-day late fee is based off of this date.

Violation Date = the date in which the infraction occurred.

Active students, employees and affiliates may pay through the parking portal by credit card. If you don’t have a MyParking account or wish to pay another person’s citation, you can visit the Ticket Pay website. Citation numbers or license plate numbers are needed to pay a citation.

All parking citations for violations must be paid within ten (10) calendar days from the date of issuance.

A $10 late fee will be applied if payment is not received within 10 calendar days of issuance date. If a payment is not received within 90 days, the citation may be sent to collections.

Daily parking rates, permit parking rates and parking citations do not include credit card processing fees. Processing fees will be added at checkout.

If a snow emergency is declared for Lucas County, ParkUToledo will operate in the following:

  • Level 1 – No change in enforcement or office hours.
  • Level 2 – Violations for view of license plate and for parking over the parking lines will not be enforced, and office hours may vary depending on weather conditions.
  • Level 3 – ParkUToledo will be closed with no enforcement or office hours.

If the citation was issued before October 8, 2021, and no payment has been received, the citation has been moved to the Loans & Collections Department for further collections efforts. Loans & Collections may be reached at 419-530-5789 for payment.

If the citation was issued after October 8, 2021, and no payment has been received after 90 days, the ticket has been moved to a collection agency. To make a payment, visit your parking portal.

The appeal should state how your vehicle was parked according to ParkUToledo’s parking procedures and why the citation was incorrectly issued.


You may appeal a citation if you feel your vehicle was parked in accordance with ParkUToledo’s parking procedures and, therefore, the citation was issued in error. Eligible violations must be appealed within 10 calendar days of the issuance date.

If the violation can be appealed, students, employees, and affiliates may appeal their parking citation through their online parking portal. To appeal a parking citation, guests will need to create an account in the parking portal.

You may appeal a citation if you feel your vehicle was parked according to ParkUToledo’s parking procedures and the ticket was issued incorrectly. Eligible violations must be appealed within 10 calendar days of the issue date.

Your license plate is your virtual permit. Plates are scanned to verify that the vehicle has a valid permit and is parked where permitted. If the plate can’t be scanned, compliance can’t be enforced.

If your vehicle does not have a front license plate, please do not pull through a space, back into a parking space, or otherwise park in a manner that obstructs the view of your license plate.

Citation notifications will be sent to your UToledo email account if you are an active student or employee. All violations are e-tickets and will not be placed on your vehicle.

If the vehicle is not registered properly for a UToledo parking permit or you are not an active student or employee, your ticket will be sent in the mail to the registered owner of the vehicle.

Issuance Date = the date that the citation notification is sent. The 10-day appeal period and the 10-day late fee is based off of this date.

Violation Date = the date in which the infraction occurred.

Active students, employees and affiliates may pay through the parking portal by credit card. If you don’t have a MyParking account or wish to pay another person’s citation, you can visit the Ticket Pay website. Citation numbers or license plate numbers are needed to pay a citation.

All parking citations for violations must be paid within ten (10) calendar days from the date of issuance.

A $10 late fee will be applied if payment is not received within 10 calendar days of issuance date. If a payment is not received within 90 days, the citation may be sent to collections.

Daily parking rates, permit parking rates and parking citations, include all credit card processing fees.

If a snow emergency is declared for Lucas County, ParkUToledo will operate in the following:

  • Level 1 – No change in enforcement or office hours.
  • Level 2 – Violations for view of license plate and for parking over the parking lines will not be enforced, and office hours may vary depending on weather conditions.
  • Level 3 – ParkUToledo will be closed with no enforcement or office hours.

If the citation was issued before October 8, 2021, and no payment has been received, the citation has been moved to the Loans & Collections Department for further collections efforts. Loans & Collections may be reached at 419-530-5789 for payment.

If the citation was issued after October 8, 2021, and no payment has been received after 90 days, the ticket has been moved to a collection agency. To make a payment, visit your parking portal.

The appeal should state how your vehicle was parked according to ParkUToledo’s parking procedures and why the citation was incorrectly issued.