Please remember that parking permits are required at all times including nights and weekends, in between semesters and academic breaks.
Parking Information for Toledo University | OH
Please remember that parking permits are required at all times including nights and weekends, in between semesters and academic breaks.
Two Options for visitors and guests
at The University of Toledo.
We are the University’s parking partner and we strive to provide you with the best possible parking experience while you’re on campus.
Please utilize the parking options listed below to register your vehicle to park on campus.
If you are a patient or visiting a patient at The University of Toledo Medical Center there is no need to register to park.
Please Use the Map Below to View the No Cost Designated parking areas which are for PATIENTS ONLY.
If a patient is ever ticketed in the patient area please contact our office.
Phone: 419.530.4100
Rocket Hall, Suite 1750
1625 W Rocket Drive
Toledo, OH 43606
To browse frequently asked questions about visitor parking, please click here.